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Making it Real with Person Centred Support

Making it Real with Person Centred Support

Making it Real with Person Centred Support

Tuesday 16 April, 2019

David Sargent, CEO Real Life OptionsReal Life Option’s recent objective setting meetings have prompted me to consider how we can use this as an opportunity to sharpen our focus on people we support. I am reminded of Dame Phillippa Russell’s comment, “making it real is about helping everyone to have ordinary lives.” Through a series of ‘I’ and ‘we’ statements, the ‘Making it Real’ programme challenges us to think holistically about how we live, not just deliver, person-centred support (PCS).

Real Life Options is a stalwart champion of PCS, however in recent years, increasing complexities and a range of business challenges has impacted on how integrated PCS is within our organisation. I am of the view that a commitment to being people-focused is an essential part of our forward strategy; across each and every service through to Board level governance. ‘Making it Real’ can help us in our thinking; it challenges us to apply PCS individually, operationally and strategically. PCS will only become truly integrated into the everyday, when the whole sector transforms and where co-production becomes the norm. Follow the link here to read more about Making it Real.

David Sargent, Chief Executive Officer at Real Life Options


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